Instagram does this ‘best nine” thing. As a willing lemming, I of course had to make one of my own. The results were (above) a bit shocking to me. Out of the nine images, four featured bob, four featured me and one with Buster. Two (maybe three, a bit fuzzy), are images that I didn’t even create this year. One is an image that was auto generated and tweaked by me.
Why then is Frank shocked?
It’s a bullsh-t ego thing. I recycled some stuff. To me, those old images (#2, #4 & #8) are old. To someone else, they’re new. I pride myself on putting out new stuff all the time. If it’s old, I make sure to say that it’s old. One third of the “best” was complete before 2015 started. Of course, it’s still my work, but it’s not my 2015 work.
I suppose if you really get down to the core, everything I do is recycled in a way… some content is just more environmentally sound that other content.
I think I may be a bit too hard on myself. Maybe not. I’m just glad people still dig what I do… old or new.
I’ll post about the coming year soon. (Cue dramatic music now).