27 years of self-portraits 1992-2019

That’s a LOT of Franks.

It’s that time of year again… self portrait time.  The last few years I’ve tended to draw the yearly portrait in January. I suppose it could be the “BEFORE” picture of what the year does to me.  It can also represent what the previous year already did to me.  My job is to create. Your job (if you choose to accept it) is to interpret. Click or tap on the image to get a bigger version.

Bob as Slash…

“Do you know where you are? You’re in the JUNGLE baby…”

Welcome to Monday… today’s Sketch of the Day… actually, I don’t know if I can really call these sketches.  They’re a couple of steps past the sketch phase.

In lieu of a better name, I think I’ll just call them the ROCK BOBs of the day.  Don’t worry I’ll come up with something better eventually.

Today’s ROCK BOB is Bob as guitarist Slash… best known for is work in the band Guns and Roses.

Also, I’ve decided that I will be making these ROCK BOBs available for purchase.  If interested, please send me an email ASAP for a price.  Since there’s only ONE, they will go fast.

Angus Young and Brian Johnson are sold.  Freddie Mercury is sold.

Starting TOMORROWPATREON Patrons of Bob the Squirrel at the $5.00 level and up will get first crack at purchasing the daily ROCK BOB.  Just another perk of becoming a Patreon supporter.


Categories: art bob Rock Bob sketchbook

Current feeling…

One week since I lost my dog…

I’m still a bit numb… and clearly my aim and focus are out of sorts.

Categories: art life love Lucy

The Evolution of Bob – 2002 to 2019

Character design is… hard.

I do not profess to be even somewhat competent on character design.  I do enough get in trouble.

There’s not much out there to look forward to in January.  At least for me.  And this January has sucked beyond suck. But I DO look forward to seeing how my character has evolved. I think maybe I’ve hit an evolutionary plateau with Bob.  He’s about as Bob as he’s gong to get.  Maybe I’ve approached a point of (dare I say it) perfection?  At least with him visually.

Of course in 2020 I’ll probably say the same thing.

Categories: art bob