picture of the hard part…

See this picture?  This is a picture of me on a Saturday night.  But, it could just as easily be a picture of me on the other six nights.  Or mornings.  Or a really weird and dark afternoon. If you were standing in my backyard (hope you called first… just standing there without me knowing is trespassing) this is what you’d see.

This stuff is hard.  And parts of it never get any easier.

Mechanics get easier: the prepping, the inking, the scanning…I’m damn near robotic when it comes to that.  Getting to the mechanics… that the bit that never gets easier.  The staring at a notebook.  The premise that doesn’t fit the characters.  The paralyzing fear that I’m going to plagiarize myself (also known as repeating myself). That dialog that is not good.  That idea that, even with adrenaline needles stuck in it, just doesn’t want to live.

I’m not stating that to get credit or sympathy… but it’s true.

I took this picture because I wanted to see what the hard part looked like.

Odd…I thought it would look different.


The Adoration of the Squirrel

The original plan was for this to be a Sunday panel.

I’ve been looking at stained glass work lately and though it’d be cool if there was a Bob window.

Some research and a couple of hours later I came up with this.

The antsy little kid with the bucket of crayons in me couldn’t wait to post this so here it is.

I’ll make this available as a print in the not too distant future.

Categories: art bob


Maze week – Dec. 4 -9

The strips of December 4-9 are special. I wanted to do something a bit different. A maze… I’ve done mazes before with the strip, but not like this. In order to have each daily strip retain the maze continuity, I had to draw the entire maze, over six strips, all at once. The final image measured 14″x33″. Unfortunately I had to cut it up to scan it.

If you want to see the entire maze NOW, all of this week’s daily strips… become a Patreon patron of Bob the Squirrel… for as little as $1.00 a month.

I really enjoyed working like this… so I’m definitely going to be exploring this again. ENJOY!!!


Categories: announcements art bob
