No more Anything but a Squirrel Daily Sketches

On January 1, 2017, I put forth a challenge to myself – to post one drawing a day that was anything but squirrel related… my version of a New Year Resolution. It wasn’t always easy to do, but I always managed to get something out there (with a few exceptions).

After 200+ drawings, I’ve decided to end Frank’s Anything But a Squirrel Daily Sketch some 83 drawings short of 365. I could spare the time to produce them in the beginning of the year, but with two bob book projects and the 2018 calendar on the horizon I just can’t give the daily sketches the attention they deserve.

It sucks. I am a little disappointed in myself. I don’t like putting stuff to the side like this, but I’m also starting to grasp the whole concept of reality.  Reality can be a real eye-opening pain in the rump.

I’ll still be posting images to my Instagram feed…  they’ll be more squirrel centric.

Categories: announcements art Uncategorized
