Just one person…


This doesn’t mean anything to the text… I just love this flower from our sunflower garden.

It all starts with one person.

The bigger something gets, the more help you need.  The more help you need, the less you see.

The moon landings relied on the innovative minds and sacrifices of half a million people.  Neil, Buzz, Pete, Alan, Alan, Ed, Dave, Jim, John, Charlie, Gene and Jack couldn’t take their strolls without help.  The great thing is… they themselves were the first to admit that.

There’s so much that I dig about comics.  So much.  I’ve waxed poetic time and time again about the reasons.  But “THE” reason, the one biggie, didn’t really hit me until this morning.  Well, this reason has hit me before… but it hit me hard today… like, hard enough to leave a mark hard.

It’s all me.

Good, bad whatever… it’s all me.  No one else sets my panels up.  No one else lines my boards.  No one else writes it.  No one else draws or inks it.  No one else scans or posts it.  It’s all me.  It’s a collaboration of one.

Solo work is increasingly rare these days.  Duh, it still exists… but there are definitely more collaborations than not.  I’m not just referring to cartooning either.  Take a look around if you don’t believe me.


Categories: art blog life thoughts

goals and systems…

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One step leads to another.

Where is he going with this?

I’ve spent a lot of time working on this comic.  It stopped being an occupation a very long time ago.  Initially, I started the strip to possibly get a syndication deal and make a living.  I The goal was to become a syndicated cartoonist.  The ONLY thing I’d do is the strip… that would be my job.

That was the plan.
That was the goal.
That was almost 15 years ago.

51NrS9MAT9L._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_I recently finished reading How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life by Scott Adams.  I wouldn’t say that the text changed my life per se- despite the fact that Astronaut/Artist Capt. Alan Bean sent me his personal copy (!).  Capt. Bean said that he got some ideas from it and maybe it could help me.  When a Apollo astronaut tells you it could help, you tend to give that “help” some greater scrutiny.

So, yeah.  As I said before… the goal was to become a syndicated cartoonist.  But Adams contends that by setting a goal for myself, I most likely set myself up for guaranteed failure… because anything achieved short of the goal is technically a failure.  Goal setting is for suckers.

Adams believes that people who create SYSTEMS for success are more successful.  I cried bullsh-t on that when I read it.  But, Alan Bean says it could help… I put the bullsh-t aside and read on.  The more I read, the more it kind of made sense.  Creating a system of work that builds on work is more realistic.  It allows for greater leeway and creates situations that may take you on different, unintended, yet positive paths.  The goal I set for myself way back in 2002 was not a way to ensure success.  Going by that, I failed out of the gate.  Failed for a decade and a half.  I’m failing while writing this.

That’s not to say it’s been a waste.  It has not by any means.  It just means that my goal held me back and focused me so much that I may have missed a ton in the periphery.  I don’t know what that periphery was/is.  But believe me when I say this:  From this point on, I’m looking all around.

It’s not an occupation, it’s my life.  It’s not a goal.  It’s a system.

Now I just have to figure out how to create a system… other than “looking all around”.

a new character?


For those of you new to the squirrel scene, you need to know this: we grow sunflowers. They’re kind of our thing… and not just because squirrels love them.  We love them.  It was the primary flower in our wedding.   Last year I planted a ton… thinking that nature would cull most of them.  We got a ton.  It was great.

This year, I selectively planted here and there.  So far we’ve done okay.  This year’s crop is grown from last year’s crop.

Last night, I noticed we have new livestock on our tiny farm.  Ladybugs.  Lots of ladybugs.  They especially love the yet-to-flower sunflowers.  So, don’t be surprised if a new diminutive, yet sassy character makes an appearance in a future strip.

waiting on Bertha…

Bob is waiting impatiently for Big Bertha Sunflower, our 11.5 foot tall mammoth to open up and express herself to him…bob and bertha

Categories: art bob
