at about the midpoint…

So, what’s up with 2016?  Way back in January, I posed the question of putting out multiple Bob books during the year. Instead of an end of the year book barrage, I would put out collections every three or four months.

Well, March came and went.  April came and went.  We’re at the almost midpoint of the year and no Bob collections on the horizon.  I hate to use the standard: “life got away from me and I just couldn’t get it together” b-llsh-t excuse, but it’s the only one I have.  I apologize.

bob2.0On the plus side, the Bob plushies are coming along great.  Deb and Barb at Hummingbird Kreations are working away on them… ensuring that each one is just as good as the one on my shoulder (look left).  There will be a limited quantity available initially, and judging by the demand we have, a pre-order situation may be necessary.  Trust me guys… these Bobs are worth the wait.  I will be announcing specific details in the coming weeks.

Even though the books never materialized, 2016 has been productive.  In addition to the Bob plushie, I had the Finding Bob show up at Artistree in April.  That was a ton of work but it was pretty successful.  I didn’t expect to do an art show in 2016, but I got it done.

I also had tentative plans to build a Bob the Squirrel float for the summer Honor America Days parade in Rome.  I began planning, but the logistics of the situation were unmanageable.  I mean, sure I can build a nine foot squirrel, but apparently not out of snow.   My garage is not big enough to keep it.  I’d have to build Bob in parts and put it together on-site.  Then there’s the flatbed, getting volunteers to walk with me… I just couldn’t manage it.  Maybe in 2017?

That’s what this half has been.  Lots of plans, lots of shelving of plans, lots of unexpected plans, lots of surprises, a few disappointments and whatever else.  Just have to keep moving forward…

More ink – Bob tattoos

bob_tattoosWell, I’m left speechless again.  Super fan Kristopher Torrey got some more Bob the Squirrel ink.  Around this time last year, he got his first Bob the Squirrel tattoo.

This year, he went all in and got TWO MORE!  I was honored and speechless last year, and I’m that now… just multiplied by two.  The Bob on the cloud is one of my all-time favorites… awesome.

We’re all guilty of taking what we have for granted sometimes.  I said it before and I will continue to say it – I will never take the loyalty of my readers for granted. I know I sound like I’m stuck on repeat… but it still amazes me.

No matter what I do, whether the Bob strip continues for another 40 years or it ends tomorrow… I’ll always have Bob with me.  Kris may have him permanently on the outside, but I have him permanently on the inside.  I’ll always be known as the squirrel guy to someone… if that’s all that I’m ever known for, I’d say I did something good.

Kris – pretty soon you’ll have more squirrels on you than a maple tree… 🙂

Categories: art blog bob
