Prince – RIP

Just kinda shocked that Prince is gone.  57 isn’t that old.Prince, Purple Rain

Categories: art


those darn clouds

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Those clouds.  Those darn clouds.

For over 20 years, I’ve drawn clouds.  In the sky, over my head, as thoughts, as scents… you name it, I’ve done it.

I’ve painted clouds on my garage door:garage cloud

My backyard shed:shed cloud

My fence:fence cloud

Chairs:chair clouds

and the ceiling to my studio:ceiling clouds

So, clouds and I have a long relationship. The reaction to the ones in the Finding Bob show is still resonating with me.  Remember #8 on my list of lessons learned?  Well, the ideas are coming.  But, as with all brain storm waves, not every one is going to be a winner.   I’m taking it slow but making sure to note every good, bad and ugly notion that hits me.  What’s ugly now may be good later.


Original Bob cloud refrigerator magnets… The prototypes anyway.

I’ll be making more… that is a definite.  Where they drift and what drifts on them is still… wait for it… up in the clouds.

What I will commit to is the Bob cloud refrigerator magnet.  I put a few together and slapped them on my fridge… they immediately made me smile.  They didn’t even have Bobs on them.  I’d imagine adding a squirrel would make me smile even more.

The plan so far is to make the magnet a reward for new Patreon supporters.  One level will be a plain cloud, One level will be a cloud with Bob on it.  I’ll see how that does and then make them available for everyone.  I just want to make sure I can make enough.  Each cloud magnet will be hand made by me… one-of-a-kind… every single one unique, just like a real cloud.  No matter how popular they do or don’t get, the unique aspect will not change.

I’ll keep everyone posted on this.  Off to make more clouds.

Categories: announcements art bob


sketchy Tuesday…

I could say that I didn’t have the extra few minutes to ink everything up today (which would be true).  But, I like the sketchy blue lines.  So, I’m showing the sketchy blue lines today.


Categories: art blog bob
