did the wall know?


He has his moments… with walls and other things.  At least the wall can’t talk back.

Categories: art


24 years of self-portraits

It’s my sorta-kinda tradition to post a yearly self-portrait.  Despite the fact that I draw myself in my comic strip all the time, I feel the need to do a more realistic illustration for this.  There are gaps in the progression, which I’m still working on filling.  I have a lot of boxes in places I didn’t even know I had places… so the search continues.

You can click on the image to get a bigger version01132016_twenty_four_years_wide

Categories: art blog space studio


Question – Need some input


sketch_8.5x11_Front_CoverIn 2015, I published three Bob the Squirrel related books: a comic strip collection, a Squirrelosophy collection and a sketch collection.  I put them out a week apart starting the first week in October.  There was a method (theoretical) to my madness:  I just wanted to see what the response would be.

Having a few weeks to process the reaction, I pose a question to you all.  I’d like to shake things up a bit.

Instead of a bunch of books at the end of the year, what would you think of me putting out a collection every three or four months… not only containing the comic strips, but also the Squirrelosophy panels and the social media sketches?  The theory being that you wouldn’t have to pick one type of Bob book, because all the content will be in one collection.  I think it could work… I’d like to try it at the end of March 2016. A quarterly collection means there will be Bob books out throughout the year as opposed to all at once toward the end of the year.

Let me know what you think… I’ve also set up a poll:

[yop_poll id=”2″]

Categories: announcements art
