Bob 15 and the milestone…

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Thanks to some handy calculators and reasonably okay record keeping I figured something out – On Thursday, June 8, 2017 the 5,000th Bob the Squirrel comic strip will appear.  Yes, I know…but hold your applause.

2017 also happens to be the 15th year of Bob the Squirrel.  So next year will see its share of milestones.  I set up a Facebook event for the 500th strip… I want this to be a celebration.

This want of celebration is WAY out of character for me.  I don’t seek credit for what I do.  Well, sometimes I do… but for the most part I just draw.  I won’t get into the whole “why am I not more well known” crap… it’s a waste of time and it insults those of you that have been with the strip for a while – in some cases from the very beginning.  That being said, the celebration is really more for you.

I’ll post more as the year kicks in… but for now… thanks.

Categories: blog bob


Furniture moving at SQUIRRELOSOPHY

You may or may not have noticed a few changes at Squirrelosophy – the Bob the Squirrel sister site.  In the coming weeks I will be tweaking here and there as I become more (or less) CSS savvy.

shop_head_700x200The priority now is to set up a dedicated Bob The Squirrel store there.  My books will still go through and the other merch through Society6 and CafePress.  But, the stuff directly from me – Artist Editions, original work, toys and whatever else will be available 24/7 at the squirrel store.  This will eliminate the search for the product links I post somewhat arbitrarily… yes, they didn’t teach marketing in art school… and if they did I obviously missed it.

I will keep you all posted!  Have a great day.

Categories: announcements art bob store