a new character?


For those of you new to the squirrel scene, you need to know this: we grow sunflowers. They’re kind of our thing… and not just because squirrels love them.  We love them.  It was the primary flower in our wedding.   Last year I planted a ton… thinking that nature would cull most of them.  We got a ton.  It was great.

This year, I selectively planted here and there.  So far we’ve done okay.  This year’s crop is grown from last year’s crop.

Last night, I noticed we have new livestock on our tiny farm.  Ladybugs.  Lots of ladybugs.  They especially love the yet-to-flower sunflowers.  So, don’t be surprised if a new diminutive, yet sassy character makes an appearance in a future strip.

Squirrel 7…

So, I found this reasonably priced, vintage GI JOE space capsule from the mid 60s on eBay.  It was in rough shape.  The first thing I though of was… If I had that capsule it’d make a great set of photos with Bob 2.0.   I didn’t think I’d win the thing… you know how hot eBay auctions can get… especially in the last 2-3 minutes.  But, I won it.

Because the capsule bears a strong resemblance to spacecraft used in Project Mercury, I dubbed the craft Squirrel 7.  If you want to know the significance of the number 7, check out the Project Mercury link in this paragraph.

In the coming weeks I will be posting my project progress.  There is no plan really.  (remember, I didn’t think I was going to win the auction)  I may re-vamp the interior (the control panel stickers have seen a few unsuccessful splashdowns), add some detail to the retro-rocket package on the bottom, add some LEDs, add the recovery cap to the top… I even toyed with the idea of adding an adapter package and converting it to a Gemini hybrid I’m just having fun with it.  Seriously, that’s the only reason I’m doing this.  Fun.  And the pictures.

For all those vintage toy lovers out there – who are silently shrieking at my “ruining” of a classic?  Trust me… the thing was in rough shape. I would never take something in good condition and Bob-ify it.  I’m doing the world a favor by giving this toy new life… even if that life will just be hanging from my studio ceiling.

Categories: bob ebay fun


waiting on Bertha…

Bob is waiting impatiently for Big Bertha Sunflower, our 11.5 foot tall mammoth to open up and express herself to him…bob and bertha

Categories: art bob


Bob App R.I.P. : December 2015 – July 2016

As of July 8, 2016, the Bob the Squirrel App will no longer be in service.  I really thought long and hard about continuing it but a few factors couldn’t be ignored.

  1. The company I run it through was going to double the monthly charge.
  2. The advertising on the app wasn’t going to come close to covering the initial fee, yet alone the doubling of it.
  3. I wasn’t giving the Bob app nearly as much attention as it should have gotten.  Running an app should be a full-time (or as near full-time) gig.  Just couldn’t do it.

Screen shot 2015-12-10 at 7.04.34 AMA one-person company only has one employee.  When that employee is concentrating on creating content, the delivery of that content takes a back seat.  It makes sense and it completely illogical.  If I concentrated on the delivery, the content would suffer.  Over the years I’ve managed to find that balance… but when the app was thrown in, the balance wasn’t as balanced.

I may come back to the Bob app in the future.  But for now… it was a good run.  Thank you to everyone who downloaded it!

Categories: bob
