More ink – Bob tattoos

bob_tattoosWell, I’m left speechless again.  Super fan Kristopher Torrey got some more Bob the Squirrel ink.  Around this time last year, he got his first Bob the Squirrel tattoo.

This year, he went all in and got TWO MORE!  I was honored and speechless last year, and I’m that now… just multiplied by two.  The Bob on the cloud is one of my all-time favorites… awesome.

We’re all guilty of taking what we have for granted sometimes.  I said it before and I will continue to say it – I will never take the loyalty of my readers for granted. I know I sound like I’m stuck on repeat… but it still amazes me.

No matter what I do, whether the Bob strip continues for another 40 years or it ends tomorrow… I’ll always have Bob with me.  Kris may have him permanently on the outside, but I have him permanently on the inside.  I’ll always be known as the squirrel guy to someone… if that’s all that I’m ever known for, I’d say I did something good.

Kris – pretty soon you’ll have more squirrels on you than a maple tree… 🙂

Categories: art blog bob


Bob 2.0


Some wonderful ladies at Humming Bird Kreations accepted the challenge to create a new Bob plushie.  When I saw the first prototype yesterday, I immediately fell in love.

Both Lezley and I were overwhelmed by the time, effort and passion Barb and Deb put into Bob 2.0.  It helps that they are die-hard fans of the strip.  I mean, it REALLY makes a difference.  They were so worried that I wouldn’t like what they did.  When I freaked out and fell in love they were relieved.  🙂

One of the first things I wanted to do was put him on my shoulder… as I sometimes draw him in the strip.  Just wow.

There are a few tweaks needed, but it’s pretty much a soft version of my drawing.  These will be available in the not too distant future… I’ll post more info when I’m done being so damn happy with the results!

Categories: bob news
