2019 Bob the Squirrel Calendar – UPDATE

Something has happened.  Something that will delay the printing of the 2019 Bob calendar.

My wife gave me an idea.

As you know, I had the cover to the 2019 calendar all set.  The only things left to do were the months.  Did I want to rush it and just put old art in the spaces?  Or, did I want to do all new, never before seen art on each month.  I opted for the latter.  New art.

But life is crazy… and thinking of 12 new pieces of Bob art on top of everything else, while not impossible, is not something that lends itself to the concept of “Quickly”.

I whine a little. I don’t whine much, but when I do, it’s a good whine.  I tell Lez about it… and I ask her: “Bob calendar – what’s the first thing that comes to your mind:  GO!”

She says: Bob sunflowers.

I say thanks.  I walk away. I think about it.  It’s a good idea.  It is at that moment I realize why I married her… for an idea on what to do for the 2019 Bob calendar.

So, the good news is that I have a concept.  The bad news is that I don’t have to think of 12 ideas for art… I have to think of 13. (New Cover).

Over the course of a week I managed to pencil each month.  I finished the inking yesterday.  On to color.

Bob’s 2019 Year in Sunflowers will hopefully be available in late November.

2019 Calendar cover – more than twice!

Got the 2019 Bob calendar cover finished faster that I anticipated.  Seems funny to pt so much work into something most people will only see twice: once when the put the calendar up and once when they take it down.  But, hey… it keeps me off the streets, right?

Would you like to see this more than twice?  Why not buy a print of it?  You can check it out at Society6 by clicking or tapping here.  20% off + free shipping on this item with code 20PLUSFS ends tonight, October 11th at midnight PT!

More 2019 Bob Calendar news coming soon!

Bob Calendar 2019 – cover progress…

It’s that time of year again.  Every year I marvel at how fast calendar time creeps up on me.  It happens every year and yet I still treat it as something unexpected.

In keeping with Bob calendar tradition, the cover pays homage to cartoonist Bill Watterson’s masterpiece of a comic strip Calvin and Hobbes.

Here is the cover as a work-in-progress.  It’s ink on bristol.  Bill Watterson was/is a very traditional cartoonist so I keep the coloring non-digital. I start with markers and do accents with gouache and colored pencil.  I like all the covers that I’ve done… but I think this one is already special.

Here are the covers from previous years…

2015 Bob the Squirrel Calendar





I’m hoping to complete the inside calendar art soon.  I’ll keep everyone posted when the calendar will be available for purchase.



Categories: announcements bob