Poll results and plan

mini_ME-TAILLast week, I posted a poll asking for your input.

The poll is now closed and you have spoken resoundingly.  Over 80% of the poll participants feel the new collection plan should be put in play.  This year, instead releasing separate collections for the strip, Squirrelosophy and the sketches in October, I will instead release a compilation of all the content (together) in 4 month increments.

That means new Bob books will be available at the end of April 2016, August 2016 and December 2016.

The covers and titles need a theme… my inspiration will be the three ‘official’ studio albums of the Jimi Hendrix Experience: Are You Experienced? Axis:Bold As Love and Electric Ladyland.

Adding a squirrel to these inspired covers will be a challenge and totally fun.  I’m sure I’m just as eager to see what I come up with as you may be.  I will of course announce when the books will be available – along with behind the scenes progression of the cover art, etc.

Thanks to everyone who took a moment to vote!

Categories: bob book cartoon comic
