SQUIRRELOSOPHY-Black Friday Yesterday

This is re-posted from today’s SQUIRRELOSOPHY…
Black Friday on a Tuesday

It’s that time of year again.  A time when the Black Friday deals fill the joyous air with bargain flavored atmosphere.  Thing of it is, the Black Friday deals started way before the day they’re named for.  What the what?

Even though I am a squirrel, I like to consider myself a learned student on what it means to be human.  I mean, only someone who ISN’T human could have that type of perspective, right?  Is it really worth the deal to crowd yourself, shoulder to hostile shoulder into retail space with homicidal aspirations to get a dvd for $1.99?  Seriously? I could understand if you were starving and you have to push and fight for a loaf of bread… to keep yourself alive.  But, seriously?  I am willing to roll over you for that cheap television.  I will fight you to save some money.

What is wrong with you people?  Ease up.  The more successful this is, the earlier it will be.  Christmas shopping next year will start two days before Halloween.  You know I’m right.

So, Hopefully the scratches and bruises on your body aren’t that bad.  Ice that bump on your head and have a turkey sandwich.  The leftovers will be in the fridge earlier next year.

And, because I am a total HYPOCRITICAL SQUIRREL, be sure to check out Frank’s JINGLE BOB original art sale   and the Holiday Custom Art Offer.  Exorcize some of that black and blue Thursday and Friday out of your system by purchasing some original art.  I guarantee it’ll make me think that much more of you. 🙂

And be sure to check out the latest Bob the Squirrel and Squirrelosophy collections: at one point, the kid had A LOT of potential and that’s one way of doing it along with all the other Bob the Squirrel books… if you haven’t already.

Where do your ideas come from?

Where do the ideas for your comic strip come from?

Rome, NY, today, lunchtime.
I pull into my driveway…get out of my car, walk to the corner to retrieve the empty trash cans and recycling bins.  Upon gathering said receptacles, I look up, about to turn and head back up the driveway.

But, not today.

When I look up, something caught the corner of my eye.  Two rapidly moving objects.  UFOs? No. My neighbor’s dogs…running on the lawn across the street as if they didn’t have a care in the world…as if, the gate to their yard had been left open.  Sure enough, it was open.  I’m not usually the one watching a dog run by… I’m usually the one running after the dog… who shall remain nameless.. LUCY.  Almost by instinct, I drop the cans and do a Usain Bolt across the road toward the happy canines.  Did I look both ways before crossing the road?  Of course I didn’t.

The family across the street has a gigantic lawn…with a small pond next to it.

Where do you think the dogs were headed?  Yup.  The pond.

Now, ordinarily, these two dogs bark and bark and bark at me through the fence.  Remembering this, I approached them with extreme caution… wishing to retain all ten of my fingers.  I pleaded with them to stay away from the pond and follow me back to the safety of their yard.  Shockingly, my powers of persuasion were in exemplary shape today and I was able to herd the AWOL canines back across the road.  One of them, I assume as a sign of gratitude for my selflessness, left a biological deposit under the cherry tree on my front lawn.  When the pipes of his Milk Bone highway were clean, he contently trotted back behind his fence.  I tied the gate shut… putting my shoe tying expertise to good use in the process.

I knocked on the front door of the neighbor’s house.  She answered.  As I began recounting the tale of my humbly heroic lunchtime crusade, a voice from the inner reaches of the house rang out…


No sooner did the sound reach my ears, there, standing before me, was the mother of my neighbor…seemingly awestruck by my presence.
“I just LOVE Bob the Squirrel!  It’s the first thing I read in the paper everyday.”  I coaxed a smile out of my face and thanked her warmly.  She extended her hand out, wanting to shake the hand that draws Bob.

” I can’t believe I met Frank Page!”

My neighbor, knowing how ordinary I really am, but refusing to pop the bubble that presently was her mother said, “I’ll get his autograph for you later.”

We laughed again, I was thanked again and just like that half of my lunch was over.  A small price to pay for the safe return of two animals and being made to feel like I was Bill Watterson.

And this, my friends, is where comic strip ideas come from.

Categories: ideas life love


If I were an Astronaut…

I’ve made no secret of my desire to be an astronaut…or at least my desire to wear a spacesuit all the time. Chris Hadfield, outgoing commander on the International Space Station is who I’d want to be like if I were an actual astronaut. The things that he has done to raise awareness of the importance (and fun) of space exploration rank at the top of the list of coolest things ever.