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Today is Bob the Squirrel’s 13th birthday.  Lucky or not, like Tom Hanks as Astronaut James Lovell in the film Apollo 13 says, “…it comes after twelve, hon.”

There isn’t too much more I can say about my relationship with Bob that hasn’t already been said… so I won’t spend multiple paragraphs reflecting.  I was 27 years old when we met.  I had no real responsibilities, no real focus and no real idea of what the future may hold.  Fast forward 13 years and the only things that have changed are the age and the responsibilities.

Bob was there then, he’s there now and will always be there.

It’s all flown by at supersonic speeds.  I created him in February 2002, broke the sound barrier and haven’t stopped flying since.  It hasn’t always been easy, but he’s always been there.  He’s my pal.  He’s my brother from another species.  He’s my imaginary friend with a better imagination that I have.

Happy birthday dude.  Clean up when you’re done.

Categories: announcements blog


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