Kind and amazed…


The kindness of Bob the Squirrel fans has never ceased to amaze me.

These little inky scratchings I do at 4 a.m. mean as much (if not more) to my readers as they do me.

Today, my family received a package from KimMarie Wny containing three wildflower seed bombs… to be planted in memory of Izzy, Tommy and Lady. Along with the seeds was a wonderful card and note.
It was unexpected.
It was emotional.
It was beautiful.

It reminded me of what is REALLY important in life. Thank you.
It will be an honor to plant these in our yard.

Categories: Uncategorized

the next two weeks…


Over the next two weeks, the comic strips will not be so comic.  We lost Izzy.  And while she wasn’t a character I used that much in the strip, she was a character in our everyday home lives.  Losing two animals in little over a month is not easy.  I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.  I felt the need to take this first strip and give some explanation of what’s going to happen. There are a lot of readers out there that don’t get their daily Bob through this website – so just posting to this blog wouldn’t help them.

I realize that life stinks sometimes… and the things we have to endure, especially when it comes to loss, stink. I thought it necessary to explain the next series out of respect to the reader.

I want to be clear.  I HATE doing sad strips.  But life throws you a  loss… and you have to deal with it in a way that gets you through.

We’ll get back to the funny after we get through the not so funny. Thanks!

Categories: announcements


Bob tattoo…

1 Comment

11407233_895560313818983_7203809721354606608_n So… super fan Kristopher Torrey finally went and did it.  He took the wonderfully bold step to make Bob the Squirrel a forever piece of himself.  Kris and I have been emailing each other back forth almost from the very beginning of the strip.  He posted this photo of his new ink last night on Facebook and I couldn’t be more honored.

Kris posted this comment to explain more:

As a bit of background behind this. I first came across Bob they squirrel comics on yahoo when I was deployed to Kuwait/Iraq in 2003 while in the Marines. I read Bob comics everyday and it helped keep me all there and helped me deal with some personal issues. I even went as far as drawing Bob on my helmet cover. After I got back I wrote frank and thanked him for creating Bob and how he helped me out. Over the years frank and I developed a friendship. Frank helped me through my first divorce, the loss of my son, and my second divorce. I tried to be there for frank when he needed an ear when times were tough for him. Bob and frank have been a very important part of my life for 12 years and many more to come. To me it was a great honor to make Bob my first tattoo. Though I know the day will come that frank will lay down his pen, Bob will forever be with me and an important part of my life.

An absolute stone cold honor to have a bit of my work on this man’s shoulder.  There are a lot of things I tend to take for granted sometimes… we all do.  It goes without saying that the one thing I never take for granted is the loyalty of my readers.  I consider it a privilege to occupy a little moment of time in someone’s life.  And you never know when that one little bit makes a whole lot of difference.

Categories: announcements art
