Over the next two weeks, the comic strips will not be so comic. We lost Izzy. And while she wasn’t a character I used that much in the strip, she was a character in our everyday home lives. Losing two animals in little over a month is not easy. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. I felt the need to take this first strip and give some explanation of what’s going to happen. There are a lot of readers out there that don’t get their daily Bob through this website – so just posting to this blog wouldn’t help them.
I realize that life stinks sometimes… and the things we have to endure, especially when it comes to loss, stink. I thought it necessary to explain the next series out of respect to the reader.
I want to be clear. I HATE doing sad strips. But life throws you a loss… and you have to deal with it in a way that gets you through.
We’ll get back to the funny after we get through the not so funny. Thanks!