Wednesday blast

Wednesday is a day to blast squirrel all over the web.  But, I don’t mean ‘blast’ in the Elmer Fudd/BugsBunny sense…

Share this will all your friends and enemies.  They all need to know.

They all need to know.Wednesday Bob the Squirrel blast

Categories: bob


silent strips…

In case you hadn’t noticed, there are very few words in this week’s strips…very few if you count my signature, none if you don’t.

Just experimenting. I wanted to see how Bob could handle pantomime.

He’ll be talking again soon.

Categories: Uncategorized

Bob the Squirrel and Patreon

Are you a patron of Bob the Squirrel? Why not?

Now what is Patreon? Watch and learn:

I want to keep Bob and Squirrelosophy as vibrant as possible. To do that, I need breathing room. Breathing room where I don’t have to worry about taking a paying gig over putting a bit more time into a Sunday panel or an extra Squirrelosophy panel, or if I just feel the need to do some video and need a piece of equipment.

I’ve had Bob on Patreon since January of this year. Currently, I have 11 wonderful patrons willing to donate their hard earned money to something they think is special and worthy of their support. I cannot begin to tell you how humbled and wonderful that makes me feel. Every little bit helps and is appreciated.

Bob isn’t going anywhere. You as a fan can expect the same quality as always. But with your support through Patreon, Bob can grow. You will be a Patron of the arts! And, as a patron, you will get benefits that others do not. Cool stuff. Really cool stuff… and stuff that’s so cool I haven’t even thought of it yet. The more support, the more cool.

Check out the Bob Patreon page when you can. There is absolutely no pressure to commit.

Support Frank Page creating Comics that Squirrels can dance to and not be embarrassed.

Categories: art patreon
