Everyday Astronaut by Tim Dodd

When I get my very own astronaut gear (someday) this Tim Dodd scene will be a familiar sight in my home.  Substitute a Coke Zero for the beer and add two bushels of dog hair to the furniture and you have me.  Check out more of Tim’s work here.

Categories: art


Wedding Contest Thanks…

Thank you to all who contributed their ideas to the HELP BOB WITH THE WEDDING contest.  I have a LOT to go through.  The ideas I’ve read so far are outstanding, which will make my job of choosing all the more difficult.


Categories: Uncategorized

2014 self portrait…

Many of you know that I draw myself in my comic strip.  So, I draw myself a lot.  But, once a year, I get serious and draw/paint whatever an “official” self portrait… much in the vein of Van Gogh or Rembrandt.  You can check out previous portraits in this post.

Without further delay, here is my “official” 2014 self-portrait:

2014 frank page self portrait

Now I need to go draw some squirrels.

Categories: announcements art
