A self-critique of Bob the Squirrel 12/22/02


Bob the Squirrel from 2002.

I thought I would do something a bit different… and possibly turn it into a semi-regular thing… I call it: Review Your Old Stuff: Self-critique that can be objective because of the passing of time.

Please let me know if you dig this sort of thing.  I’m in the midst of a user-friendly re-vamp of the site and content.

So, way, WAY back in 2002, this is what Bob looked like.  This is what I looked like too.  This strip in particular was first published on December 22, 2002.

Where do I begin?  Obviously, I was growing a full beard.  Obviously, I hadn’t had my hair cut in a while.  Obviously, I was still wearing the t-shirts I had printed up with my head on them… merchandise remnant of a failed comic strip I did called “Spare Parts”.  When I have the stomach for it, I’ll dig some of those out and post them.

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Categories: art self-critique


Bob the Squirrel weekend event

Categories: announcements art


what a squirrel feels…

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