turns 14 today

Today, April 14, 2016, is the 14th anniversary of the launch of  It’s not Bob’s “official” birthday (that’s in February) but it is the anniversary of his introduction to the internet.  I suppose that two month window was me not wanting to buy the domain until I knew I’d stick with him.

Here is a capture of what the site looked like in May 2002.  A lot has changed since then – except that Frank Page Blue.

I’m just wondering what I had against eyebrows on squirrels.  And for that matter, I wonder what I had against EYES on squirrels…

Screen shot 2015-04-14 at 7.20.08 AM

Categories: Uncategorized

Tags: turns 13 today

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Today, April 14, 2015, is the 13th anniversary of the launch of  It’s not Bob’s “official” birthday (that’s in February) but it is the anniversary of his introduction to the internet.  Unfortunately, I don’t have a screen capture of that first website and the stone tablets the original html code was on are long lost.  Here is a capture of the site from May 2002:

I’m just wondering what I had against eyebrows on squirrels.

Screen shot 2015-04-14 at 7.20.08 AM

Categories: announcements art
